Father and Son - Soden - 16" x 20" Oil on Canvas Panel

Father and Son - Soden - 16" x 20" Oil on Canvas Panel

In the Moment - Soden - 20" x 16" Oil on Canvas Panel

In the Moment - Soden - 20" x 16" Oil on Canvas Panel

Fancy Dancer - Soden - 20" x 16" Oil on Canvas Panel

Fancy Dancer - Soden - 20" x 16" Oil on Canvas Panel

Into the Distance - Soden - 18" x 24" Oil on Canvas Panel

Into the Distance - Soden - 18" x 24" Oil on Canvas Panel

Tommy Gun1 - Jeffrey Nelson 9x14.jpg Tommy Gun2 - Jeffrey Nelson 9x14.jpg

Tommy Gun - Jeffrey Nelson

Bird Sculpture - Roney Womack Bird Sculpture1 - Roney Womack.jpg

Bird Sculpture - Roney Womack

Totem #1 - Jeffrey Nelson
sold out

Totem #1 - Jeffrey Nelson

Shovel Head Mask- Roney Womack
sold out

Shovel Head Mask- Roney Womack

Trapped Souls - Mark Springer 14" x 18"Oil on Canvas Panel

Trapped Souls - Mark Springer 14" x 18"Oil on Canvas Panel

Abstract Apple - Mark Springer - 16" x 20"

Abstract Apple - Mark Springer - 16" x 20"

Loose Connections - Mark Springer - 16x20 2015.jpg

Loose Connections - Mark Springer - 16" x 20"

African Mask - Mark Springer 20" x 24.5"

African Mask - Mark Springer 20" x 24.5"

Untitled 2017 - Mark Springer 18" x 24"

Untitled 2017 - Mark Springer 18" x 24"

Dragon - Andrae Maxwell

Dragon - Andrae Maxwell

Shawshank - Andrae Maxwell
sold out

Shawshank - Andrae Maxwell

Betrayal - Chad Anthony Galvan

Betrayal - Chad Anthony Galvan

Death's Aroma Victory - Chad Anthony Galvan
sold out

Death's Aroma Victory - Chad Anthony Galvan


Wildfire In Forest - Scott Arends


Lonely Mountain Moonshine - Scott Arends


Alone Standing Stone (me) - Scott Arends


Rocks in a Hard Place (prison Rock Face - Detail) - Scott Arends


Final Destination: Hell (My Brain) #1 - Scott Arends


Further Into Hell(My Brain) #2 - Scott Arends

sold out

Descent Into Hell (My Brain) #3 - Scott Arends


Hands Across The Waters - Scott Arends

sold out

Cat Box - Scott Arends

Concequences of Time - Michael Gonzales

Concequences of Time - Michael Gonzales


Grapes of Wrath - Scott Arends


Last Chance To Go Into The Light - Scott Arends

African Mask #2 - Mark Springer.jpg

African Mask #2 - Mark Springer

Jesus Saves - Mark Springer

Jesus Saves - Mark Springer

Mother - Mark Springer

Mother - Mark Springer

Praise Jesus - Mark Springer.jpg
sold out

Praise Jesus - Mark Springer

Caged Soul - Mark Springer.jpg Caged Soul - Mark Springer.jpg

Caged Soul - Mark Springer 21 x 25 in. oil on repurposed bedsheet

unstrung pipa of bone - scott arends

unstrung pipa of bone - scott arends

phaded photo #1 - scott arends

phaded photo #1 - scott arends

still life #16 - scott arends

still life #16 - scott arends

still life #6 - scott arends

still life #6 - scott arends

still life #17 - scott arends

still life #17 - scott arends

island of the dead - scott arends

island of the dead - scott arends

the boat #11 - scot arends

the boat #11 - scot arends

swirlies #1 - scott arends

swirlies #1 - scott arends

my mind is officially blown - scott arends

my mind is officially blown - scott arends

alienated from my own true nature - scott arends

alienated from my own true nature - scott arends

talking stick - scott arends

talking stick - scott arends

up there, somewhere - scott arends

up there, somewhere - scott arends

moon and sun #2 - scott arends

moon and sun #2 - scott arends

bizzaaro world #1 - scott arends

bizzaaro world #1 - scott arends

desert at night - scott arends

desert at night - scott arends

a day at the beach - scott arends

a day at the beach - scott arends

IMG_4164.jpg IMG_4169.jpg

Corn stalk #2 (two pieces) - scott arends

Paradise Lost - scott arends

Paradise Lost - scott arends


dos guitarras con cuerdos rojos (two guitars with red strings) - scott arends


look at me - scott arends


jungle mystries - scott arends

watercolor study #1 (chief) - michael tenneson

watercolor study #1 (chief) - michael tenneson

self portrait (i am alienated from my own true nature) - scott arends

self portrait (i am alienated from my own true nature) - scott arends

watercolor study #2 (Chief) - michael tenneson

watercolor study #2 (Chief) - michael tenneson


Large African Mask - Mark Springer

AABDB553-CA9F-48B0-8DB1-F8E9C6D0BC1C B6E00E76-2114-4A06-8A09-FB9AA065E22D

Papier Mache African Mask #1 - Mark Springer
